Lighting Up Internet Presence

User Experience (UX) | Search Engine Optimisation |
User Interface

ux design agency in bangalore


  • Bayestree or was born to dramatically alter the effectiveness, speed, and cost of enterprise problem-solving.
  • A global product company founded on the back of the latest research and thinking in mathematics, data science, and computing.
  • products are cognitive, sector agnostic, and multi-lingual

Objective- Project Description

  • While evaluating’s previous website, it was apparent that the site was not a fair representation of the cutting-edge products had to offer.
  • To update the visual appeal of the site, we focused our redesign on adding colour, versus its previous monochromatic colour scheme.
  • We also simplified site navigation and made it easier for site admins to make changes or updates through the CMS.
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Approach : Live Well Above All

The most important aspect was identifying who the users are and then setting a top goal: structure the site navigation in such a way that visitors can find the information they're looking for with minimal clicks.

We introduced the main CTA across the site, driving people to the projects section where they could look at stunning photos of services in action in order to inspire them for their project.

We wanted to demonstrate’s ingenuity with an equally innovative site that reinstates the dominance synapse has in the artificial intelligence industry, all while simply and directly presenting the visitor with what they’re looking for.

Our development team used best practices for developing the site on a custom .NET responsive framework. The product structure was unique from a typical product catalog site, which introduced a fun challenge to the architecture.

The Results



Total Session



Average session duration



Bounce rate



Sessions per page



Organic Search traffic

Next case study

